Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heels are a guy's invention to make it harder for women to run away

As I'm sitting here on a cold metal chair, my torso is currently being compressed slightly by a black corset dress to the point where I can't comfortably breathe out. What a great way to start the morning eh?

Today the notion popped into my head that there's something I really want to talk about. Clothes. Typical you say. Girls and clothes. Especially Raisa and clothes. What's she going to say. "Oh my gosh! I like got this like pair of super cute jeans at like Hollister and they were sooooo fetch!" Not exactly. Yes, clothes are a great way to express yourself and show your true individuality. They are like living art but even better because life is experienced in them. This is all very true yet I've noticed a trend happening. A lot more importance has been put into clothes and people forget one thing. Clothes are skin deep. They're shallow and unimportant compared to everything else about a person.

I had a friend who was dating a guy for about two years. Now that's a long time to be with someone and of course, over time they had grown to become used to each other . They had their fair share of disputes and rough patches but they seemed to be going strong. One day out of nowhere the guy dumps the girl. Do you know the reasoning he gave her? It's the most ridiculous thing in the world! He said he was sick of seeing her in sweat pants! Now I understand that sometimes you want to see your significant other dress up and make some effort for you but to break up with someone over something as insignificant as sweats is ridiculous! Every time I think about it, I get upset all over again! I always hear girls commenting on how guys are so much meaner to them or tease them when they decide to "scrub" it at school. The sad truth of it all is that how you look today really plays a big role in how you are defined. It's not a good thought to keep in mind, but it's a realistic one. That's how our society works now. (Well unless you're in a nudist colony. Then, I think you have bigger problems then that. Especially if you're in a nudist colony that lives in Wisconsin.)

Everyday in school, I hear the click clack of heels on the tile floors of my school and when I look up, I see girls stumbling over themselves not to fall. They're squeezing themselves into this or bulging out of that and you can tell by the look on their faces that they realize this was a bad idea. I've had it happen too. I've worn things that I probably shouldn't have. You know how I know this now? Because looking back on it, I remember not feeling comfortable. That's the biggest thing. Whatever you're doing or wearing (in this case), you should feel comfortable because that means you're confident and that feeling will radiate throughout. Without getting mushy that just means, if you want to wear rain boots, go for it! If you can't walk in heels, it's okay. Not every single girl has to be dressed as if they just got off the cat walk.

I've been able to type this blog without popping a button or zipper on my dress. I'll be okay for now but as soon as I get home, I'm going to change right into some soffee shorts and a Ohio State tshirt and I don't care what any one has to say about it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I absolutely love the title of this piece. It is also very interesting and I completely understand where you care coming from. I don't understand what type of fashion statement people are trying to make by wearing their heels everyday. I like being comfortable so I don't dress up much but I understand that they may want to look good but you can do that without heels. This is high school, relax. :)

  3. We didn't create them for you to run slower but because it makes it that much better to watch you girls walk away. Besides that, well said Raisa.It's funny watching some of these kids in the hall tripping over them selves.These kids will eventually grow into there own skin just like you, me and everyone else.
