Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love isn't a box of chocolates; it's a perfectly made bologna sandwich

Women flip through pages upon glassy pages of the latest magazines trying to find a new way to spark up their relationships. New hair styles, ten minute ab/glute workouts, makeup tips; they attempt anything that can make them seem more desirable. They spend hours of time primping here and waxing there only to be left in a could of disappointment. They freak out when nothing seems to work and begin to nitpick their poor defenseless guy, assuming after all of their unnoticed efforts, there is clearly something wrong with HIM!

It was my grandma's understanding that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Ignore the fifty dollar lip plumping lip gloss or the exquisite European eye shadow that cost you an arm and a leg. Truth is, he probably won't care...until he sees the credit card bill. Then he'll explode. The perfect bologna sandwich, though, does just the trick.

Two pieces of bread, the perfect slices of pinkish red bologna heated for 30 seconds and a slice of All-American yellow cheese cut into two perfect triangles. It's like irresistible bait no one can deny. Surprise him with that on a platter and you might as well be giving him the best five minutes of his day. Nothing will beat snuggling together, sharing a sandwich. It'll show that you really do care what he wants, not just what you want him to want. To you it might be just a sandwich, but to him it'll be a sign of acceptance to his ways. That will mean so much more to him than any overpriced dress you're trying to impress him with. That's all it takes. A sandwich every now and then. A back rub, a cute little text. It's the little things that will leave a lasting impression. Soon you'll be calling each other "darling" and "sweetheart" again. You'll be in for a pleasant surprise when he offers to go to that dinner party with you or take you out to eat at that new French restaurant, spontaneously.

Give a little, get a little. That's how a good relationship works. There needs to be balance in it, just like there needs to be balance in a perfect sandwich. Not too much meet and not too cold. Everything works out when the recipe's just right!


  1. I really like this, your grandma is very smart! I love how you give great detail on how to make this bologna sandwich so if people want to try it they're able to. I also like how you describe everything perfectly so that people can understand how chicks feel. :)

  2. I love this because it's completely true. Even for me, if someone can cook then I don't care what they look like. Good piece, Raisa :).
