Thursday, April 14, 2011

At what point do you stop becoming friends and become sisters?

So as I turned to my left, staring wide eyed at my best friend, I asked her to assign me a topic to write about. She looked me straight in the eye and simply replied..."Our friendship." As I'm a little sick today, I didn't clearly comprehend what she had just said. It took a couple seconds from the neurons in my brain to connect for me to understand what she had she said. "Seriously?" I questioned her. That's what she REALLY wanted me to write about. "Did I stutter?" she fired back. And that right there, is why she's my best friend.

These past four years I have had to deal with my fair share of hardships. Sickness, fights, fails, parties, college preparations, and all the theatrics that come with teenage angst. Throughout all of this, I have learned my share of life lessons, sometimes in the worst ways possible. But when it's gotten to be too much for me to handle, I look to my left and there she is. My best friend. She offers everything she can to help me get through it and that right there is invaluable to me. I'd like to think I'm not a naive type of girl. I know that when I leave this school, I will only keep in contact with about 2% of the people I'm friends with now. It's sad, but hey the truth isn't always sh*ts and giggles? It's not even a question of whether or not I'll be close with her, though. There's no doubt in my mind of that. Not a single doubt. Friendship like this withstands distance, change, and every other curve ball thrown. I don't have any doubts about anything, which is a hard concept to grasp considering that nothing in life really seems certain. I know that. The feeling in the pit of my stomach though just keeps telling me not to doubt...and for good reason.

My best friend has been with me for about 6 years. It's not so much we're best friends as more like meant to be sisters. I love the fact that we don't have to refer to each other as "HEY BEST FRIEND" "OH HEY!" because we simply need the label to have someone to be secure. Some girls call each other that without anything behind it, making it seem hollow and worthless. We are constantly learning how to fix our friendship for the better. I love how I can be myself and if I have an honest opinion, it won't get interpreted as an insult. I don't have to walk on egg shells or be a yes man. No games, just straightforward feelings. Morals, ideas, sense of humor. It's all the same. It's like we almost finish each other's...sandwiches. I'm a person who doesn't like to put her feelings out there so when someone can look at me instantly and know what I'm thinking without even having to utter one word, that really means something! Every secret, ever fear, we've shared. Good friends share fears. Great friends help push you to tackle those fears. They want the best for you, to shine regardless of the situation without feelings of jealousy or insecurity. A lot of friends can say they're close but there's always a tint of wanting to be a bit better then the other. That feeling isn't ever there with us.

We've been in enough situations to know that. When pushed, we don't stumble into each other, but push back together. One for the price of two. That's how it's always been. Vinny & Pauly D. Thelma & Louise. CATDOG! College is going to be yet another challenge we're going to overcome. Everyone says you shouldn't go off to college with your best friend attached to your hip because by the end of the semester, you'll be at each other's throats. I would have loved to prove everyone wrong because I know that wouldn't have been the case. We're around each other enough to already know all of our habits and flaws and we're not at each other's throats yet. The stipulation that a best friend would hold you back from meeting new people is understandable but in this case, inapplicable. When we go out, we leave each other and go our different ways, but at the end of the night we always come back to each other. We allow each other to go off and experience things separately because we are so comfortable with being friends, we don't need to be attached at the hip constantly. Most of what college offers, we've faced and have fared pretty well. For our first year, we're not going to be able to do this, though. As much as that kills me, I know we'll make the best of the situation. I don't want a new best friend. A new person to tell everything to. Nothing can make up what I have and I don't want it to.

We share the same views on the most important ideas and values (about friendship, love, education, boys, family, friendship, holding on to morals, etc) yet our differences keep us together. We're different in the way we work, the way we handle situations and fights, and definitely the boys we go for. The important things brought us together, our quirks and differences keep us there. This is one of those things you're scoffing at and saying "Psh, yeah right." The thing is, words can't really describe it. I'd say "You had to be there." but then you'd have to be there for every 4 hour phone conversation, every Starbucks run, every party, every laugh, every tear, every feeling of knowing you're not in this whole mess alone. And even if you were still there for all of that, you'd still just barely grasp what our friendship means.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHHH. I love it! It is so funny to see what you wrote. We have a lot of things in common. The best part was hearing you giggle when you read mine. :)
